NORMAND PLLC Severe Personal Injury Lawyers.
The firm also handles severe and complex individual cases.
For example we were brought in on a case when there was a zero $ offer for a severely brain damaged father of two hurt in a crane truck crash. The original firm was a TV advertising firm that tried to settle the case unsuccessfully. Eventually the firm sought the help of Normand PLLC. After just over a year we were able to secure settlements of over 13 million dollars to pay for the life long constant care required for the brain disability. The settlement was achieved after we were able to debunk the Defense engineering crash reconstruction expert’s theory of the case which they had developed at a cost of over $200,000 in engineering and design analysis. Also, by using extensive discovery techniques including uncovering private Facebook postings from the truck driver bragging about his speeding and driver log fraud to other employees of the company as well as tracking cell phone usage for the trip we were able to show that the trucking company was 100% responsible for the crash. While some attorneys will settle for the last best offer, Normand PLLC held out and did not settle for anything less than full and fair compensation. We spared no expense or resources to take on and win the case for this deserving family.
Recovery: over $13 million.