What is a class action lawsuit?
A class action is a lawsuit in which one or more people sue on behalf of a larger group of people. The person who brings the suit is called the class representative. the group is called “the class.” In most class actions, the final outcome of the lawsuit, win or lose, is binding on all members of the class. Many of our cases start when a single person comes to us with a complaint about some unfair business practice, unsafe product, or unfair treatment by a company.
Many people have heard the term “class action” but don’t really know what it means. Here is how the Supreme Court of Florida has described a class action:
“Rather than have an unmanageable number of plaintiffs filing individual $20 lawsuits, this class action empowers the little guy and gives him leverage to fight an otherwise insurmountable foe. If plaintiff prevails, the big guy no longer lifts $20 from unsuspecting customers’ pockets, the plaintiffs are made whole, and justice can reign supreme.”
Sosa v. Safeway Premium Fin. Co., 73 So. 3d 91, 114 (Fla. 2011)
Why are class action suits important and valuable to consumers?
Class action lawsuits are often the only way that individuals can bring a lawsuit and achieve justice against large corporations and institutions. Former United States Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas said it best:
“The class action is one of the few legal remedies the small claimant has against those who command the status quo.”
For example, each person within a large group may have suffered only a few hundred dollars in damages and each person individually could not afford and the cost of individual lawsuits against a huge company but the value of each claim aggregated for the class could be quite large. Without a class action a company could continue fraudulent or harmful conduct because nobody could afford to sue individually.
Our focus at Normand PLLC is on consumer protection, product defect, privacy violations, and insurance class action cases. We research situations that do not pass the “smell” test. That is if a consumer feels cheated, even for a relatively modest amount, we investigate to find out why.
We look anywhere big companies may be taking advantage of people who would normally lack the resources to protect themselves or whose case is too small to bring individually but when grouped with others in similar situations it often shows that consumers as a group have been ripped off for millions.
As cliché as it might seem, our interest is finding ways to make wrong things right where normally there would be no recourse. It turns out hard work, street and book smarts, and perseverance is a winning formula. Plus we have the ability to fund these cases dollar for dollar against the biggest companies in the world.
Normand PLLC specializes in appellate litigation, and has handled appeals in all Florida appellate courts, the Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eleventh federal courts of appeal, and several other state appellate courts.
A few highlights include (1) securing reversal of a denial of class certification in a case that clarified the intersection between class certification and Article III standing (Venerus v. Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC, 723 Fed. Appx. 807 (11th Cir. 2018)) and (2) establishing important precedent in data breach law concerning Article III standing and breach of contract in a case that has been cited nearly 500 times (Resnick v. AvMed, Inc., 693 F.3d 1317 (11th Cir. 2012)).
Normand PLLC offers flexible, case-specific fee arrangements for both civil and criminal appellate litigation – if you would like to inquire about assistance in handling an appeal, including trial assistance in preserving issues and perfecting the record, feel free to contact us anytime!

You have a right to privacy in your home, in your personal life and with your private information. Our firm has experience in pursuing privacy claim class actions. These cases range from suing over intrusive robocalls, to data breach lawsuits, to lawsuits to prevent website spying activities by companies that you thought you could trust with your private information.
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False advertising, bait and switch practices, unconscionable or illegal pricing schemes, and charging for services or products that are never provided are just some examples of unfair and deceptive trade practices that businesses use to defraud consumers. These bad actors profit at the expense of the consumers they cheat and it gives them unfair advantage over ethical companies that follow the rules.
There are many state and federal laws that victims of unfair and illegal business practices. At Normand PLLC we represent consumers from across the United States and worldwide who have been cheated. We believe in promoting social responsibility by stopping dishonest business practices and in achieving justice for consumers, employees, patients, and business owners harmed by corporate greed.
We work to promote safer products and fair competition; to protect our environment; work with whistleblowers to stop fraud on our government; work to safeguard our right to privacy and to protect the rights of citizens in all 50 states and worldwide.

When you pay your insurance premium and the time comes to make a claim you have a right to any and all benefits provided by the insurance policy. Unfortunately some insurance companies go to great lengths to delay and deny payment for legitimate claims. Normand PLLC is one of the leading law firms in the United States in prosecuting private and class action lawsuits against Insurance companies.
We have won cases against virtually every major insurance company including State Farm, GEICO, Allstate, USAA, Progressive, Liberty Mutual, and pretty much any other insurance company you can think of. Many times our clients believe they are being cheated but cannot identify how. We know how to read a policy and examine a claim payment to make sure the insurance company does short change their customers by denying or underpaying claims.
We are a national leader in identifying, often for the very first time, the unfair claims settlement practices of insurance companies. As a result, in the last few years alone, our original work in identifying unfair claims practices has resulted in the recovery of hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid benefits for our clients.
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